Shining dew drop of bliss

For all that I getA bit more I desireWill there ever be enoughThan what I require?I must now starveFor I have eaten enoughTill the crave is lostAnd there is none to corruptI have filled the pot it now brims overMust scoop every bit out Till there ain’t no leftoverBetter still to breakthe clay pot intoContinue reading “Shining dew drop of bliss”

Dancing into the New Year

It’s going to be new year tomorrow.In next one day, we will move a year. It seems like that, but is not true.It’s an end of a yearapparently, but it is equally untrueAnd a beginning, it seemsBut it is as much, as any next dayBut what, it truly isIt is an occasion To rejoice withContinue reading “Dancing into the New Year”

The last month

It’s the last monthand thenthis year would be a pastTwelve monthclubbedAnd called an yearat lastIt sure passedQuicklyOne year in a blinkIt was a full long yearIf you look back,Pause and thinkFilled with memoriesBitter and sweetFew things done, some left undoneSeemed a long timeMany things were plannedFew things of work, fewer things funBut now it’s overWellContinue reading “The last month”

The sculpture is being made

New placenew beginnings a blank new slatethe sun is lateit’s morning not yetbut I am wide awakeIts a fresh patha new trailthe one, I need to blaze every stumble taught a lessonevery fall a chisel strokethis sculpture is being madethe future is blurred but in my mind it’s clearit’s for me to create

Bhul gaya sab kuch

भूलना हैबहुत कुछक्या क्या भुलाओगेये बताओ अगर याद करोगेवो सबतो फिर कैसे भुलाओगेये बताओ हर लम्हा नया हैसाफ़ सुथरा हैइसमें पुराने रंग क्यों भरेंये बताओ ख़ुशियों से भर देंइस लमहें कोआने वाला कल इसमें बसा हैइसे सजाओ ज़िंदा होतो जी लो ख़ुशी सेहर पल ज़िंदगी कालुफ्त उठाओ गहरी नींद में सो रहा हूँशायद सुबह होContinue reading “Bhul gaya sab kuch”


I received a comment from a friend where she appreciated a poem and termed it ‘Fimple’ and beautiful. The error was unintentional and innocent, but it got me thinking, what this word would mean if it was a word. I wonder about the sound of it, the image of it and possibly the taste andContinue reading “Fimple”

Ek Aur Baar

एक शहर पुरानायादों से भरा हुआयादों की डोर खींच लायी हैएक बार और हर लम्हा याद आया हैवो मोड़, वो हँसीफिर वही रास्तेएक बार और कहीं निशान मिट गएकहीं अब भी सजावट हैकिसी ने पुकारा हैएक बार और एक खुश लम्हायहीं रह गया थामिल कर हँसे हैंएक बार और ईंटों की ढेरइमारत बनेगीफिर घर बसेगाएकContinue reading “Ek Aur Baar”