I am me

Bit tired, I trudge on
Dragging my feet
My steps too small
The end looking far
Brow dripping with sweat
Some trickle down the eye
It’s weary

Bit worried, I am scared
Eyes cast down
Trepidations rise up the throat
Filling the heavy beating heart
Veins pulsate fear
Permeates every cell
It’s infectious

Bit unsure, full of doubt
Shaking to the very core
Thoughts reflect gloom
Clouding up the mind
Reason is not reasonable any more
No words give comfort
It’s unsettling

Bit overwhelmed, it’s beyond me
No longer within my reach
The grip on the edge is slipping
The deep fall awaits
The rocky edges mock
Let it go it says
It’s over

Bit irritated, I am angry
This ain’t what I am
I am way bigger, I know
The mind pushes the gloom
Fills it up with anger
Set myself to action
It’s a fight

Bit hopeful, indebted
to all who believed
Can’t let them down
My finger may be slipping
But my heart, fights on
The nails dig in
It’s not over yet

Bit calm, I am in my elements
Actions follow the practiced path
Every action a flow
I am now what I am
What I am meant to be
Like a symphony
It’s music

Bit sure, I have faith
In all The hard work
In all that’s me
I swell up to my size
Larger than the very life
I know who I am
I am me

Published by Echoes of the soul

I am a dreamer I weave tales in my mind I am connected to you through these words through this screen across the virtual world I and my tales within

11 thoughts on “I am me

  1. Life always finds its path if you are sure of your goal and strive to achieve it. Weariness gives way to enthusiasm once you are determined to achieve what you are aiming at

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I know how this feels, have been there so many times and pulled myself together again
    It’s all about faith


  3. I know how this feels, have been there so many times and pulled myself together again
    It’s all about faith


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